Great Training just doesn't happen, it is a process.

Great Training just doesn't happen, it is a process.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Blended Learning Approach

As I start my Blended Learning class through Canvas, I am hoping this will accomplish two goals.

1)  It will help me become a better instructional designer and integrate blended learning into the learning process.  I want to become a better instructor and doing this class will help me from the stand point as a student to become a Blended Learner and Teacher.

2)  I want to get familiar with Canvas as our district will be implementing it soon so the best way to do that is to become a student.  

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

wk4-Response to Ishia

Ishia stated:

After some careful consideration and musings, I have decided to face my fears and complete the presentation. I have also decided that my presentation would be very appropriate for the Florida Educational Technology Conference held in Orlando in January because of its technology focus. Another conference not listed that I would like to present is the National Academy Foundation (NAF). This organization creates curriculum and offers industry certification to high school students in areas like Finance, Travel and Tourism, Information Technology and others. I recently attended a professional development and its focus was on technology and cross-curricular instruction, which is what my CBR is about. My presentation would add a unique perspective – that of the potential contributions to NAF instruction with the help of technology from a core subject instructor’s point of view. NAF holds a national conference every July. This year’s convention is in San Francisco.

I said:

Isha, I commend you in overcoming your fears in wanting to present at a conference. These conferences sound incredible and I would love to attend. I hope to present at a conference in Athens, Greece. Now if I can get in contact with the right people and start to get the ball rolling. I am sure you will do great and things will work out fantastic. I wish you the best and maybe I'll see you there!


I have decided to choose the presentation route at a conference as my professional project.  I am excited to give it at another country, Athens, Greece.  I am in the process right now in getting the necessary information in order to go through with it.  The conference is called NESA, which stands for North East South Asia council for overseas.  The conference seems to attract various participants from all over the Middle East, Europe, Africa and Asian countries.  I look forward to the experience I will gain from speaking at an international conference and to show my pride the Master's project I did.

Other Blog post.
Speak out loud blog post

Conference Presentation

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Wk4-Response to Nancy Madrigal

Nancy stated:
engaging others is key to teaching. Educators need to find the happy medium where students will not only listen, but also become connected. This weeks reading mentioned that we tend to hold the spark that eventually communicates to the rest of the class. There are many traits that are contagious and unfortunately we hold back on what could potentially be an outstanding day. Something as simple as having a great attitude causes the rest of the group to change their behavior. Another great example of influence is a simple smile.  Zander calls this type of “persuasion”, enrolling. It is the art of having people join you in what ever venture you set out.

Being the board is all about seeing the big picture. It is important that I view the whole scenario in order to avoid picking on the smaller pieces. This practice is not only practical, but also healthy (both physically and mentally). It, like many concepts in this book, takes a conscious effort on my part on a daily basis.

Vision is important when setting not only goals, but also aspiring dreams. Even wish lists require some type of visionary outlook in order for them to become a reality. The “we” story is something that is necessary on this interconnected world that we live in. No longer are we isolated in little lands, but rather unified. Thanks to technology and the access that many people have to the Internet, the planet has definitely become a “small world”.  The motivation and engagement team has definitely witnessed the concept of “we”. Throughout the EMDT course, we have been together; supporting each other, communicating our goals, assisting in times of need and soon enough celebrating our great accomplishment.

I especially loved the story about the student named Victoria. She was “role playing” with Zander and he graciously went across the street to get Victoria something. There is so much beauty in the fact that Zander went along with her and also the fact that she too recognized him. That is the true concept of “we”, no longer being selfish but rather thinking about how every member is inclusive in order to achieve happiness. It is the art of being selfless and sacrificial.

As I stated earlier, this book is an incredible guide that offers explanations, conversations and suggestions on how to live a melodic life. Like a musician, these concepts take practice.  Exercising all that has been gifted to us in this book, doesn’t guarantee a better life, but a more peaceful, cohesive and harmonious life. I appreciate the entire positive view, especially when, due to my graduation, will embark on a new cycle in my life.

Nancy, I agree this book has been guide that will allow us to have a different perspective as we approach graduation and life.  The EDMT program has truly been one that has entailed a lot of the aspects of this book.  I hope also to be a greater spark for the children I will be in touch with this year, but also for the adults I hope to work with once I receive my Master's. 


As I read through the chapter, lighting a spark, motivation of my students comes to mind.  I think about how they way, my body language, voice, comes across to my students.  I think about what I would do next time, and openness, the language to “enroll” my kids into the program, really see their need to do the work that was necessary to accomplish lesson goals.  I would say emphasizing the purpose of the lesson. 

The next chapter, being the board, taught me to reassess myself rather looking at others to blame.  The story of Cora was truly impacting, because he took the road of analyzing his situation and seeing what he could have different as a person involved in the trying situation.  This taught me with my students and even people that I have a responsibility in the way I react and treat others.  I may not have control of what they do, but what I do is always in hands.  

Friday, June 17, 2011

Wk3-Blog of choice

I have been thinking about whether to do a presentation or paper for the end of the month project.  It didn't take me long to decide that I am going to do a presentation.  I need to decide what exactly I am going to present at this conference and get solid confirmation from my school in Egypt that I will be able to go.  She told me there is a NESA conference in Greece that I might be able to attend.  How cool would that be, presenting at a conference in Athens?

Wk3-Response #2-Marsona Jackson

Marsona said,

The point that stood out for me in chapter 5 was the importance of embracing those you are in authority over or that you teach as leaders themselves. Being able to embrace them as important beings to the cause increased their aptitude to perform and help the musicians to connect with the job conductor and the better understand the his job. Also, leaders are everywhere, and the obstacle to overcome is being able to identify te moment to allow them to assume a leadership role and allow them to lead.

Hey Marsona, we both got a lot out of this chapter.  I too stated, it is important to embrace those around us we have authority over.  My whole CBR project was allowing professional development for teachers be student-driven so there has to be a connection and an embracing of these stakeholders.  Some may not all be leaders, but all can participate in some way.