Ishia stated:
After some careful consideration and musings, I have decided to face my fears and complete the presentation. I have also decided that my presentation would be very appropriate for the Florida Educational Technology Conference held in Orlando in January because of its technology focus. Another conference not listed that I would like to present is the National Academy Foundation (NAF). This organization creates curriculum and offers industry certification to high school students in areas like Finance, Travel and Tourism, Information Technology and others. I recently attended a professional development and its focus was on technology and cross-curricular instruction, which is what my CBR is about. My presentation would add a unique perspective – that of the potential contributions to NAF instruction with the help of technology from a core subject instructor’s point of view. NAF holds a national conference every July. This year’s convention is in San Francisco.
I said:
Isha, I commend you in overcoming your fears in wanting to present at a conference. These conferences sound incredible and I would love to attend. I hope to present at a conference in Athens, Greece. Now if I can get in contact with the right people and start to get the ball rolling. I am sure you will do great and things will work out fantastic. I wish you the best and maybe I'll see you there!
My journey through my Master's program in Education Design Media Technology where my focus is on Professional Development.
Great Training just doesn't happen, it is a process.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I have decided to choose the presentation route at a conference as my professional project. I am excited to give it at another country, Athens, Greece. I am in the process right now in getting the necessary information in order to go through with it. The conference is called NESA, which stands for North East South Asia council for overseas. The conference seems to attract various participants from all over the Middle East, Europe, Africa and Asian countries. I look forward to the experience I will gain from speaking at an international conference and to show my pride the Master's project I did.
Other Blog post.
Speak out loud blog post
Conference Presentation
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Wk4-Response to Nancy Madrigal
Nancy stated:
engaging others is key to teaching. Educators need to find the happy medium where students will not only listen, but also become connected. This weeks reading mentioned that we tend to hold the spark that eventually communicates to the rest of the class. There are many traits that are contagious and unfortunately we hold back on what could potentially be an outstanding day. Something as simple as having a great attitude causes the rest of the group to change their behavior. Another great example of influence is a simple smile. Zander calls this type of “persuasion”, enrolling. It is the art of having people join you in what ever venture you set out.
As I stated earlier, this book is an incredible guide that offers explanations, conversations and suggestions on how to live a melodic life. Like a musician, these concepts take practice. Exercising all that has been gifted to us in this book, doesn’t guarantee a better life, but a more peaceful, cohesive and harmonious life. I appreciate the entire positive view, especially when, due to my graduation, will embark on a new cycle in my life.
Nancy, I agree this book has been guide that will allow us to have a different perspective as we approach graduation and life. The EDMT program has truly been one that has entailed a lot of the aspects of this book. I hope also to be a greater spark for the children I will be in touch with this year, but also for the adults I hope to work with once I receive my Master's.
engaging others is key to teaching. Educators need to find the happy medium where students will not only listen, but also become connected. This weeks reading mentioned that we tend to hold the spark that eventually communicates to the rest of the class. There are many traits that are contagious and unfortunately we hold back on what could potentially be an outstanding day. Something as simple as having a great attitude causes the rest of the group to change their behavior. Another great example of influence is a simple smile. Zander calls this type of “persuasion”, enrolling. It is the art of having people join you in what ever venture you set out.
Being the board is all about seeing the big picture. It is important that I view the whole scenario in order to avoid picking on the smaller pieces. This practice is not only practical, but also healthy (both physically and mentally). It, like many concepts in this book, takes a conscious effort on my part on a daily basis.
Vision is important when setting not only goals, but also aspiring dreams. Even wish lists require some type of visionary outlook in order for them to become a reality. The “we” story is something that is necessary on this interconnected world that we live in. No longer are we isolated in little lands, but rather unified. Thanks to technology and the access that many people have to the Internet, the planet has definitely become a “small world”. The motivation and engagement team has definitely witnessed the concept of “we”. Throughout the EMDT course, we have been together; supporting each other, communicating our goals, assisting in times of need and soon enough celebrating our great accomplishment.
I especially loved the story about the student named Victoria. She was “role playing” with Zander and he graciously went across the street to get Victoria something. There is so much beauty in the fact that Zander went along with her and also the fact that she too recognized him. That is the true concept of “we”, no longer being selfish but rather thinking about how every member is inclusive in order to achieve happiness. It is the art of being selfless and sacrificial.
Nancy, I agree this book has been guide that will allow us to have a different perspective as we approach graduation and life. The EDMT program has truly been one that has entailed a lot of the aspects of this book. I hope also to be a greater spark for the children I will be in touch with this year, but also for the adults I hope to work with once I receive my Master's.
As I read through the chapter, lighting a spark, motivation of my students comes to mind. I think about how they way, my body language, voice, comes across to my students. I think about what I would do next time, and openness, the language to “enroll” my kids into the program, really see their need to do the work that was necessary to accomplish lesson goals. I would say emphasizing the purpose of the lesson.
The next chapter, being the board, taught me to reassess myself rather looking at others to blame. The story of Cora was truly impacting, because he took the road of analyzing his situation and seeing what he could have different as a person involved in the trying situation. This taught me with my students and even people that I have a responsibility in the way I react and treat others. I may not have control of what they do, but what I do is always in hands.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Wk3-Blog of choice
I have been thinking about whether to do a presentation or paper for the end of the month project. It didn't take me long to decide that I am going to do a presentation. I need to decide what exactly I am going to present at this conference and get solid confirmation from my school in Egypt that I will be able to go. She told me there is a NESA conference in Greece that I might be able to attend. How cool would that be, presenting at a conference in Athens?
Wk3-Response #2-Marsona Jackson
Marsona said,
The point that stood out for me in chapter 5 was the importance of embracing those you are in authority over or that you teach as leaders themselves. Being able to embrace them as important beings to the cause increased their aptitude to perform and help the musicians to connect with the job conductor and the better understand the his job. Also, leaders are everywhere, and the obstacle to overcome is being able to identify te moment to allow them to assume a leadership role and allow them to lead.
Hey Marsona, we both got a lot out of this chapter. I too stated, it is important to embrace those around us we have authority over. My whole CBR project was allowing professional development for teachers be student-driven so there has to be a connection and an embracing of these stakeholders. Some may not all be leaders, but all can participate in some way.
Wk3-Response to Blog#1-Tina DeLuca
Tina said:
The chapters I got the most out of were 6 and 7. Chapter 6 discusses not taking yourself so seriously. If you lighten up some more possibilities present themselves. This is contagious I have seen it happen. I had been up for several nights in a row late working on a class. I got up one morning and my youngest daughter had written me a note that said, “Mommy I am sorry that you are cranky, but I still love you.” That got my attention immediately. I started thinking about how I was acting through my day. More people started smiling around me and even my girls noticed a difference.
The Way Things Are also got my attention, over spring break my Mom and I took the girls to Lancaster, PA. The weather was raining and thunderstorms the whole time. When we arrived I said to everyone, “okay we are going to have a great time this weekend, everyone will get to choose one thing to do.” From that point on we had a great time.
I love to read a book that gives you such insight into your life. You can change how you are doing things and see an immediate difference.Tina, I have enjoyed reading this book as well and continue to get a lot out of it. I was really impacted by Chapter 6 as well. I can take myself way to serious and I start getting frustrated. It takes someone, like a child, to bring us back to reality about who we become when we take ourselves to serious. I appreciate you sharing that.
Wk3-Response to reading
Leading from the chair, chapter 5, was an incredible chapter with regards to humility and allowing others to be in a leadership position. He even asks a thought provoking question of,"Can I see it in their eyes, posture, demeanor, are they engaged?" I have to continue to ask myself that question and not take my position as authority, but one of looking at the other chairs in the classroom and see how they can contribute to what I am trying to do. My plan is to make a box where my students can leave their suggestions and do project surveys for each project they do.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Wk2-Response to reading-Meagan Sample
Week 2_Reading_Everyone deserves an A
Megan stated:
We definitely live in a world full of measurements. I could easily relate to this chapter. I had a professor in college who told us “It isn’t about the grade. It is about what you learn and how you apply yourself. So these two things and you will have an A.” All semester I wanted to know my grade and he just kept reminding me that it was more about the learning experience. In the end I learned a lot and I got an A in the class, but because I am so used to living in such a measureable society it was a really painful semester because I didn’t know how I was measuring up as we went along.
Giving yourself an A. Well to be honest I have done that all my life and it is a great way to live. I love it. Yet I had not thought about giving others an A as well. I really liked what the author had to say here. I think that by giving others an A my relationships will have a positive growth and light on them.
the one thing I know about you is that you like finish your work early! It seems like you finished all the reading, you must be on break. I am like to finish early as well, and I can always count on you to have something posted before hand. I am assuming that you are an "A" type of student by the diligence to get your work done. I like the experiment you did with your friend. You assumed something about the friendship and it turned out to be incorrect, but it did reveal something to you that we shouldn't assume. I assume about a lot of things, and sometimes I am dead wrong. I assume to the point where I get anxious about happenings in my life and I can't sleep. This chapter helped me also to think about the way I assume things, even with my students. I liked the statement in the book that said, "We assume the students who pay the least attention, are the one's that are least committed", which is not true by the author's discovery and mine.
Wk2-Response to reading-Tria Hong
My first impression of the reading assignment for the book "The Art of Possibility" was "really?" I mean I am very happy that we are given the opportunity to read a book that is not at all like the traditional textbooks or assignment readings that I have experienced in the past for my collegiate experiences. But I am shocked that I get the opportunity to learn about myself in relation to my experiences in college - a self help book sort of genre. Nevertheless, the first three chapters were very enlightening.
Photo excerpt by Mike Grenville
After getting over my initial shock, I valued the use of storytelling to help me become aware of the themes or ideas the authors were presenting. Hearing the story about the water rapids and reading (but feeling like your listening) to the story she shared about hearing the mantra about "nose to toes..." and then finally being placed into a position where it all clicked was refreshing to hear from an adult stand point. I liked learning that even small instruction can be vital and helpful for adults. And that essentially my students might not have to live a full life to find value in what I teach them and those lessons can be used literally of figuratively in life.
Photo by ~jacky~
Find the boat. My take from this statement is that in situations where you feel that you can't find your way out of the bubbling, drowning feeling that trying to be an instrumental part of life can sometimes make you feel; there is a way out ...find the boat. I only wish I knew how to tell when I am drowning or just floating beneath the surface. And when I find the boat, will I be to shallow and want to hold out for the yacht to save me?
Another chapter introduced a term or practice that was quite interesting as well by discussing all the different possibilities that we have in the world as "Its all invented." I came away with the sense that if I believe it it will come true. Even as hooky as that sounds there has been instance after instance that proves that mind usually triumphs over matter. So far this practice, even though very daunting, is the most beneficial one that I need to try to implement in my life immediately.
Photo by Susan Byars
Giving an A was mind boggling concept for me in that we see ourselves in the reflection of others. I always thought that it was a choice. Maybe some people can see beyond those labels while most cannot. One of the better quotes from Rosamund and Benjamin Zander in the giving chapter is, When you give an A, you find yourself speaking to people not from a place of measuring how they stack up against your standards, but form a place of respect that give them room to realize themselves. Your eye is on the statue within the roughness of the uncut stone. This A is not an expectation to live up to, but a possibility to live into.
And the letters that was written in response to why the student received an A for the course was amazing. I would love to be able to try this concept in my school, but unfortunately I don't think it would go over well. But maybe for a unit or assignment steps would work. The true goal of learning is ascertaining the skill. Your optimal grade doesn't truly show how smart you are but how well you knew what the teacher wanted. I like to reach my students and make them see infinite possibilities in themselves and this would definitely help bridge that gap. We invent who we are and I want to give them the idea that we are who we make ourselves to be's all invented.
@ Tria Hong
I appreciate your insights and what you said about learning about yourself. I agree, this book has been like that for myself. I keep thinking, ok, how is this going to relate the course Media Asset Design? I am still trying to find that out. I was thinking about implementing, Giving an A, also for my classes and I think I may try this at the new school I'll be teaching at this year in Cairo, but probably just for my senior class.
That is a great quote to take away Tria, "One can not live a full life if they live the shadow of bitterness". We are often so angry, unforgiving, unloving and bitter that we will continue to be burdened. This quote from the book is very biblical where Jesus said in Luke 7:47, " ....He who loves little has been forgiven of little." We are unable to love others because we have the bitterness, unforgiving attitude.
My first impression of the reading assignment for the book "The Art of Possibility" was "really?" I mean I am very happy that we are given the opportunity to read a book that is not at all like the traditional textbooks or assignment readings that I have experienced in the past for my collegiate experiences. But I am shocked that I get the opportunity to learn about myself in relation to my experiences in college - a self help book sort of genre. Nevertheless, the first three chapters were very enlightening.
Photo excerpt by Mike Grenville
After getting over my initial shock, I valued the use of storytelling to help me become aware of the themes or ideas the authors were presenting. Hearing the story about the water rapids and reading (but feeling like your listening) to the story she shared about hearing the mantra about "nose to toes..." and then finally being placed into a position where it all clicked was refreshing to hear from an adult stand point. I liked learning that even small instruction can be vital and helpful for adults. And that essentially my students might not have to live a full life to find value in what I teach them and those lessons can be used literally of figuratively in life.
Photo by ~jacky~
Find the boat. My take from this statement is that in situations where you feel that you can't find your way out of the bubbling, drowning feeling that trying to be an instrumental part of life can sometimes make you feel; there is a way out ...find the boat. I only wish I knew how to tell when I am drowning or just floating beneath the surface. And when I find the boat, will I be to shallow and want to hold out for the yacht to save me?
Another chapter introduced a term or practice that was quite interesting as well by discussing all the different possibilities that we have in the world as "Its all invented." I came away with the sense that if I believe it it will come true. Even as hooky as that sounds there has been instance after instance that proves that mind usually triumphs over matter. So far this practice, even though very daunting, is the most beneficial one that I need to try to implement in my life immediately.
Photo by Susan Byars
Giving an A was mind boggling concept for me in that we see ourselves in the reflection of others. I always thought that it was a choice. Maybe some people can see beyond those labels while most cannot. One of the better quotes from Rosamund and Benjamin Zander in the giving chapter is, When you give an A, you find yourself speaking to people not from a place of measuring how they stack up against your standards, but form a place of respect that give them room to realize themselves. Your eye is on the statue within the roughness of the uncut stone. This A is not an expectation to live up to, but a possibility to live into.
And the letters that was written in response to why the student received an A for the course was amazing. I would love to be able to try this concept in my school, but unfortunately I don't think it would go over well. But maybe for a unit or assignment steps would work. The true goal of learning is ascertaining the skill. Your optimal grade doesn't truly show how smart you are but how well you knew what the teacher wanted. I like to reach my students and make them see infinite possibilities in themselves and this would definitely help bridge that gap. We invent who we are and I want to give them the idea that we are who we make ourselves to be's all invented.
@ Tria Hong
I appreciate your insights and what you said about learning about yourself. I agree, this book has been like that for myself. I keep thinking, ok, how is this going to relate the course Media Asset Design? I am still trying to find that out. I was thinking about implementing, Giving an A, also for my classes and I think I may try this at the new school I'll be teaching at this year in Cairo, but probably just for my senior class.
That is a great quote to take away Tria, "One can not live a full life if they live the shadow of bitterness". We are often so angry, unforgiving, unloving and bitter that we will continue to be burdened. This quote from the book is very biblical where Jesus said in Luke 7:47, " ....He who loves little has been forgiven of little." We are unable to love others because we have the bitterness, unforgiving attitude.
Wk2-Response to reading
How many times have we heard, "The person who is least committed is the person least engaged in the program?" I have heard this said a number of times. I even have that mentality, but the author goes against by stating,"The least engaged may actually be the most committed person."
Chapter 4, titled Being a Contribution was thought provoking and mind changing. The example of the woman going to her mother to borrow money every year because her and her husband didn't manage their finances correctly allows a person to see, once the disposition and frame of thinking is changed, great things can happen. It has been said, "Attitude is everything." In the case of this chapter it is true. Once a persons view of their worth is changed, it is shown in the way they carry themselves.
Chapter 4, titled Being a Contribution was thought provoking and mind changing. The example of the woman going to her mother to borrow money every year because her and her husband didn't manage their finances correctly allows a person to see, once the disposition and frame of thinking is changed, great things can happen. It has been said, "Attitude is everything." In the case of this chapter it is true. Once a persons view of their worth is changed, it is shown in the way they carry themselves.
Wk2-Wimba Session Blog Post
The basics of copyrights are pretty easy to understand, but when combined with Trademarks, Patents can be a bit confusing. But like the wimba session stated,"Do I have a permission to use it?" I never knew about education fair use: If I can't teach the unit without it, it is probably fair use. I think teachers can say that about a lot of their lessons. Each lesson is unique. Creative Commons is a great way to share and give specific permissions to work.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Wk1-Response to blog post #2
Wk1 Fair Use: When, where, how????
As a teacher in the CATE area of Graphic Design and Illustration and Print Imaging, Fair Use is a subject I've always wanted clarification on. And the summary of "Fair Use, if you are teaching a unit, can you teach the unit without the copyrighted material" was an eye opener.
One of my student's favorite projects is an introduction to Adobe CS5 Photoshop and delving in to possible career paths within the visual arts industry. For this unit, I take a head shot of the student. The student has to find a picture of someone doing what he/she would like to do within the industry and find another picture where they would like to do this career. They have to combine all three images in to one single seamless image. One that the viewer would look at and not be able to tell that someone didn't just happen along and take the picture. At first glance, a copyright advocate may look at this unit and say that the two pictures the student finds on the Internet are infringement. In my mind, I think that I can not send the student on a scavenger hunt to find a person doing what they would like to do when they graduate. Nor can I send a student to wherever they would like to do this career. So, am I safe? The student is using a partial of two different pictures plus one that I took. AND it is for a teaching assignment where the student is not going to make money off of it.
One of the resource videos that we watched really made me sad. It also brought home the point that some Fair Use, specially in the preservation of historical events is necessary!
I said:
Alex, you ask a tough question. I couldn't say whether you were safe or not. If I had to guess, I would say you would be ok because the pictures were used for educational purposes as Joe had outlined in his video overview of fairuse and there is no commercial use of the product. That sounds like a really cool project.
WK1-Response to blog post # 1
Marsona Jackson Blogged:
Since we are reading and discussing copyright, I thought this was the perfect time to get feedback on an ongoing problem with students today. I teach 8th grade Computer Literacy and I think I really have some really great students. I teach a three week unit on Copyright where we discuss what is copyright, what can and cannot be copy-written, and fair use guidelines. Our students have a lot expected of them and are required to complete Science and History Fair projects where they must do research. The problem is when doing their research, they tend to just copy just what they see instead of rephrasing and/or siting their sources.
This really becomes a problem when they attempt to compete in district and state fairs and are often disqualified because of copyright issues. Some say they are too young to really understand that using someone else's material and claiming it as their own is not really a big problem. But they tend to understand everything else.
Please feel free to comment on this issue your thoughts and or solutions. Thanks
This really becomes a problem when they attempt to compete in district and state fairs and are often disqualified because of copyright issues. Some say they are too young to really understand that using someone else's material and claiming it as their own is not really a big problem. But they tend to understand everything else.
Please feel free to comment on this issue your thoughts and or solutions. Thanks
You bring up a very valid point about students not understanding when to use and not use copyrighted items. To be honest, no matter how many times I have studied, how many times I have taught this unit, it never seems to stay the same is always changing. I'm confused!!! The next time I do this unit I am going to do something different. I will either have a student do a project, do the process of a copyright and maybe have students do the same thing they did and get feedback to see how each students feels about getting their stuff copied. I think only then when they feel a personal violation, can they feel like they truly understand the project.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Week1-Open Blog
I had to dedicate one of my blogs to what I read in the book, giving an “A”. Mr. Z, as the students called him, chose to abolish the norm of giving A’s, B’s, etc. for his classes. He did this to loosen the confines of competition and help his students see, they are all “A” students. The only thing that the students had to do was write a letter in past tense stating why they earned their “A”. I want to write my “A” or “Master’s” letter.
Dear Full Sail,
I got my Master’s because it helped find new job opportunities and confidence in my career life. Before, I was discouraged, unmotivated about not advancing in career. The job place had become a paycheck, a means of just getting by in life. Sometimes I had felt depressed. I didn’t want to gather more debt that I knew would take me more time to pay off.
Now, I have accomplished something that I thought I wouldn’t happen. Even with my move to Egypt, the job opportunities have continued come in. Its not that my life is a measurement of what job I have or what I have accomplished, but the feeling of self-confidence that comes with this accomplishment. The discouragements are gone, my motivation high, and the thought of knowing I have done it! Thank you FS, you have helped a dream come true.
As I read through the first chapter of The Art of Possibility named it’s all invented. I was a little lost as to what the author was trying to convey. From my understanding, the authors are trying to help us think outside the box. They give the example of the 9 dots and connecting them with 4 lines. It looks like an impossible task, but if you think beyond the confines what we assume, it is possible. It’s all invented is just another way of saying it can re-invented because what is invented is not set in stone.
I didn’t really understand the next chapter as well, but what I did get out of it was the more one person is focused on the self, the more difficult it is see the beyond the confinements of problems. Also the more an individual is outer-focused, the more they are able to give and help others. This book is training the mind by asking questions about the self and how a person can change that. It is a self-help book in my opinion even though they state it is not.
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